

  • The command line (CLI)
    • an interface for typing commands directly to a computer’s operating system.
    • often gives access to many more capabilities than the graphical user interface does.
    • practical and normally faster in situations where you login with a terminal on a remote system.
  • The File System
    • directory structure starts with the top root directory, shown as /.
    • several standard subdirectories: usr/bin, home, usr/lib, usr/lib64, and usr/local/bin.
    • important commands:
      • ls: lists files/directories
      • cd: change directory
      • chmod: change permissions
      • mkdir: create directory
      • rm: remove files or directories
      • cp: copy files or directories
      • mv: move or rename files or directories
    • symbolic link: pointer to another file or directory
    • environment variables: stores data that is used by the operating system and other programs. Can be exported and referenced.
  • Editors
    • command-line: nano, vim, emacs
    • gui: gedit, pluma, emacs
  • Data Handling
    • compressing and decompressing
      • gzip/gunzip
      • bzip/bunzip
      • zip
    • archiving
      • tar, tarballs
    • file transfer and syncing
      • scp
      • sftp
      • rsync
    • connecting
      • ssh
    • finding patterns
      • grep
      • awk
      • wild cards
      • regular expressions
    • scripting
    • alias


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