Welcome to the course: Introduction to Kebnekaise

This material

Here you will find the content of the workshop “Introduction to Kebnekaise”.

You can download the markdown files for the presentation as well as the exercises from https://github.com/hpc2n/intro-course

  • Click the gren “Code” button
    • Either copy the url for the repo under HTTPS and do git clone https://github.com/hpc2n/intro-course.git in a terminal window
    • OR pick “Download zip” to get a zip file with the content.

Some useful links:

  • Documentation about Linux at HPC2N: https://docs.hpc2n.umu.se/tutorials/linuxguide/
  • Get started guide: https://docs.hpc2n.umu.se/tutorials/quickstart/
  • Documentation pages at HPC2N: https://docs.hpc2n.umu.se/


  • Basic knowledge about Linux (if you need a refresher, you could take the course “Introduction to Linux” which runs immediately before this course. Info and registration here: https://www.hpc2n.umu.se/events/courses/2024/fall/intro-linux.
  • An account at SUPR and at HPC2N. You should have already been contacted about getting these if you did not have them already.


  • This course aims to give a brief, but comprehensive introduction to Kebnekaise.
  • You will learn about
  • HPC2N, HPC, and Kebnekaise hardware
  • How to use our systems:
    • Logging in & editors
    • The File System
    • The Module System
    • Compiling and linking
    • The Batch System
  • Simple examples (batch system)
  • Application examples (batch system)

  • This course will consist of lectures and type-alongs, as well as a few exercises where you get to try out what you have just learned.


  • Birgitte Brydsö, HPC2N
  • Pedro Ojeda May, HPC2N

Preliminary schedule

Time Topic Activity
11:15 Welcome+Syllabus
11:25 Introduction to Kebnekaise and HPC2N Lecture
11:45 Logging in & editors Lecture+exercise
11:55 The File System Lecture+code along
13:15 The Module System Lecture+code along
13:35 Compiling, compiler tool chains Lecture+code along+exercise
13:50 The Batch System Lecture+code along
14:10 Simple Examples Lecture+exercises
15:00 Application Examples Lecture+code along+exercises
16:40 Questions+Summary