Linux Cheat Sheet

written by P. Ojeda with minor updates/changes by B. Brydsø.


Command Effect Command Effect
ls List files in current directory less FILE See the content of file FILE
ls -lah List files in human readable format vim FILE Edit FILE with vim
cd /dir Change to the directory “dir” whereis data Prints out the location of “data”
pwd Your current PATH tar -cvzf file.tgz FILE Pack and compress “FILE”
rm FILE Delete FILE gunzip file.tgz Uncompress “file.tgz”
rm -rf DIR Delete directory DIR tar -xvf file.tar Unpack “file.tar”


Wildcard Meaning
* Means zero or any number of characters. Ex. File* could be File, File2, Fileuiwie, …
? Means only one character. Ex. File? could be File1, Filex, Fileh, but not File22
[] Means a range of characters. Ex. File[1-3] could be File1, File2, File3


Command Meaning
grep ‘word’ file Search for the pattern ‘word’ in ‘file’
grep -rine ‘word’ home Search for the pattern ‘word’ recursively in the directory /home


Command Meaning
find /home -name ‘*.dat’ Find the files in the directory home ending in ‘.dat’
find /home -mtime +60 Find every file in /home that was modified more than 60 days ago


Command Meaning
| Take the output of one command as the input of another. Ex. ls

Secure copy protocol

Command Effect
scp file Copy “file” to the home directory of the user “user123”

Note: vim commands are in ESC mode

Bash shortcuts Meaning vim commands Meaning
ctrl+r Make a reverse search :w file.txt Save file.txt
ctrl+a Go to the beginning of the line :q! Exit without saving
ctrl+e Go to the end of the line :%s/pat1/pat2/g Replace pattern “pat1” by “pat2”
ctrl+w Delete the previous word ctrl+v Start selection
ctrl+k Delete words after cursor dd Delete line
ctrl+u Delete current line x Delete character
ctrl+l Clean terminal r Replace character


Command Meaning
awk ‘/gold/ {print $1}’ coins.txt Search for pattern “gold” in the file coins.txt and print first column

Batch jobs

Command Effect
sbatch Launch “” to the queue
squeue -u user123 Check the jobs from the user “user123”
scancel JOBID Remove the job with id “JOBID” from the queue
squeue -f JOBID Check the details about the job with id “JOBID”


Command Meaning
sshfs /dir1/ /local/dir2 Mount /dir1 (on Quarry) into your /local/dir2
fusermount -u /local/dir2 Unmount the /local/dir2