Welcome to the course: Introduction to Linux

This material

Here you will find the content of the workshop “Introduction to Linux”.


  • You need access to a Linux system.
  • The course project will be on Tetralith, but you can use your own computer or any other computer you have access to that runs Linux.


  • This NAISS course aims to give a brief, but comprehensive introduction to the Linux operating system.
  • You will learn about
    • Linux terminology
    • the command line
    • navigating the file system
    • editors on the Linux system
    • data handling
    • some handy hints and tricks
  • This course will consist of lectures and type-alongs, as well as a few exercises where you get to try out what you have just learned.
  • It is the first instance of this course, so we will be grateful if you will fill the evaluation survey so we can improve the course: https://forms.office.com/e/n2ss7F4h3C.

Cluster-specific approaches

The course is given by HPC2N (Kebnekaise), but will be done under NAISS on the NAISS system “Tetralith”. There is a Get started guide for NSC here.

  • The login node for Tetralith is tetralith.nsc.liu.se.
  • It looks like this when I login the first time from my computer “defiant”:
    bbrydsoe@defiant:~$ ssh x_bibr@tetralith.nsc.liu.se
    The authenticity of host 'tetralith.nsc.liu.se (2001:6b0:17:140::1:10)' can't be established.
    ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:dwFmOFzy59e+OdZmMLAW3fj+GeMGACYwjPgc7LKZgSU.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
    Warning: Permanently added 'tetralith.nsc.liu.se,2001:6b0:17:140::1:10' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
    Verification code:
  • The verification code it askes about is a 2FA that you need to set. See here: https://www.nsc.liu.se/support/2fa/.
  • The project storage for the course project is in /proj/intro-linux/users/YOUR-USERNAME.

Important info

Preliminary schedule

Time Topic Activity
9:00 Welcome+Syllabus
9:05 Introduction to Linux Lecture
9:15 Linux terminology Lecture
9:25 The command line (CLI) Lecture+code along
9:35 The file system Lecture+code along+exercise
10:10 Editors Lecture+code along
10:20 Data handling Lecture+code along
10:40 Hints and tricks Lecture+code along
10:55 Summary
11:00 END